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the tudors

By 2/12/2007

i am so excited about this i can barely stand it.
the tudors on showtime.
starts 4.1
now i have to order showtime.

problem: what if its at the same time as sopranos? how much does that DVR contraptioning cost?


  1. DVR contraption only costs about $5 extra dollars (per box) per month. totally worth it. we cancelled our digital cable and now have the $7/month basic channels and bravo which is pretty cool. i miss DVR though :( i taped grey's anatomy the other night on VHS! old school!

  2. we need history channel, mtv, and hgtv. can we get those with $7?

  3. DVR is the best advancement to cable tv ever. i can record all my shows during the week and watch them in half the time when i take study breaks. i involuntarily hit the fast forward button now during commercials on live tv because i'm used to only watching stuff on dvr. i highly recommend it, although it is not so hot for news or other live events like sports. you'll find out what happens before you have a chance to watch it.

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