dang, now thats one crafty thing i already have been doing! my old roomate use to do that too but he'd put really gross body parts in the magnet, and you'd have to look really close before you could tell you were looking at a vagine etcetera.
Written by Jamie Meares, Founder + Creative Director of retailer Furbish Studio.
I Suwannee is a daily chronicle of her wants and whims, her interior design and styling work, her goings and doings, and a place to share her never-ending discoveries and inspirations.
I Suwannee is a southern saying used to express bewilderment, discovery, and fascination.
dang, now thats one crafty thing i already have been doing! my old roomate use to do that too but he'd put really gross body parts in the magnet, and you'd have to look really close before you could tell you were looking at a vagine etcetera.