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By 7/22/2007

so i made those curtains yesterday that we had spoken briefly about a few weeks ago.

when the fabric came earlier this week, i was so happy with it - it actually looked better in person, and the colors were right on.
my mom came to help, which is standard when i embark on a project.

here we are pre-curtain:

measuring, cutting, hemming, tookforeveroweurkjhdklfhakldkjncjkahdjf, then we hung them.

then i spent the next 15 hours walking in and out trying to figure what was wrong.

"they're too long" - says brian.

yes. they are too long. you are absolutely right.

i procrastinate what i'm about to have to do and wash the front porch.

then i did it all again. not really -just the cutting and sewing and re-hanging.

alas, they look right now. next: shelves and stainless steel cables for the railings.


  1. Wow! They came out beautiful. I love the fabric you chose. It compliments your home so well. I do not sew so I am in awe of your ability.

  2. Super cute! I'm impressed with your productivity. All I managed this weekend was eyebrow waxing and Harry Potter reading. And trying to kill myself playing badminton.

  3. lovely. the fabric is pretty. but washing your porch is more impressive.

  4. looks great, feel free to stop by my house and hang some curtains for me anytime!

  5. I love that!!! You just gave me such a great idea for my little kitchen window. I love how you hung those!

  6. Lovely fabric! I need to finish my curtains for the kitchen... I'm a little daunted.

  7. OHHH! I love the rods you used with the little clippy things from Ikea! And seriously, don't you LOVE Amy Butler?!
