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color contest

By 10/19/2007

i'm trying to enter, well, rather, i entered the color contest at AT again this year. i'm sure my home will torn to peices by people who live places like spokane and illinois and sleep in eames rockers. they'll be all, your pictures are hung too high. you have a dead cow on the floor. investing in curtains would do so much for the room.

well, if they do decide to post my entry, go tell them how great i am. because you know. and i want that $2500 shopping spree at CB2 to furnish our basement


  1. I will vote for you! Honestly, I really love your home. I am enjoying some of the homes entered this year. Some are really not my style at all.

  2. aawh, dawn! thanks. vote rigging already!

  3. I'll vote for you because your home is beautiful and I love your blog. However, I don't know why you guys (contestants) subject yourself to such scrutiny. It's not even like the viewers' opinions mean anything to you, - right? I've never understood the comments on that site.

  4. i just wrote out this long explanation and thoughtful inquiry into why ppl post in contests like that and my internet quit and its gone. jeez. i don't think i can summons it up again.

  5. Ha--I live in Spokane and don't know anyone with an Eames rocker! But my living room is red, too. Your trim is gorgeous!

  6. Cute, cute house, though it was your accompanying spiel that tipped the balance on my vote. Most of them are so unctuous about "don't be afraid of color!" and "I use color to change moods so that my life is a harmonious, well-balanced whole of perception and wisdom."

    Yours was funny and original, and I'm sure the cow is happy to have given itself for a cause as good as your living room floor -- I mean, what were the cow's choices? Shoes? Belts?
