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another breathtaking act of fashion...

By 2/06/2008

...from american apparel

they took two of these, and came up with these...um..outfits.

in the bottom right hand box here, there's a link to 15 more ways to wear a scarf like a hooker.


  1. gawd... they had one series with a matte jersey dress and all of the styles looked like something you'd wear at a strip club... i guess it does appeal to a certain segment of the population.

  2. I've been visiting your blog religiously now for a few weeks (got hooked on bookcase of the day), but this somehow just made me laugh.

    I think I saw this at Fredricks quite a way back. Didn't realize the style was coming back. Ahh, the versatility.

  3. Does this mean that bodysuits are back? I thought those were gone for good along with Jazzercise...

    At least this way there aren't any snaps in the crotch ;)

  4. It's like Borat dressing for Jazzercize. Awesome.

  5. i just laughed so hard when i read this.
