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tiny happy moments.

By 5/16/2008

i want to share with you my tiny happy moment this morning.

i stopped by the post office, and had to walk a ways down the sidewalk, when i happened to find myself behind a CORGI! - the most proudest good styling happiest dog around. i have this thing for corgis - i love them. they're like tiny little dog torpedos of goodness, with such proud ears.

anyways, behind a corgi - enough to make me happy - but he was being walked by a woman in a very cute skirt. she had her coffee, her dog, just strolling along, when she STOPS at the lovely flower shop on fairview and unlocks the door.

i continue to post office, do business, and come out to find her in a cute APRON! setting out flowers on the sidewalk for the day. she's turned on some classical music that is playing outside, and the CORGI! has settled into his dog bed inside her shop.

i could have died of sheer happiness tinged with envy.

why is this woman living my life?


  1. I am so sketching that dog, that shop - all that goodness in one post. Was she singing too?

  2. SIGH I want that life too!!! Wonderful dog.

  3. That is a dream life...instead I am stuck inside this stuffy ofice, dreaming of HER life.

  4. Gosh, how wonderful does that sound?! sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  5. Isn't it people like that who make you rethink your entire career/life. And also want to have a lovely chat with them to just spend more time around such inspiration?! She sounds so interesting.

  6. OH I love this. I live in 5 Points and might just need to become friends with her! BTW, I saw that great planter/bathtub-esque type thing at the neat garden accessories place at the NC Farmer's market recently. very cute.

  7. Suwannee!!! Where on earth is that flower shop - I MUST KNOW!!!
    I live in Durham but work in Raleigh most days.
    BTW - totally going to see the Avett Bro.! Got my tickets last week - I heart them!

  8. A corgi lover too! A flower lover! A skirt lover! An apron and music... icing on the cake!
    I'd trade with her in a minute!

  9. What a wonderfully sweet post. I almost felt like I was reading about the beginning of an Audrey Hepburn movie. Great slice of life moment you captured! Thanks!
    Lisa & Alfie(sigh, only a poodle)

  10. Don't get too excited. I have two Corgis, and while they are wonderfully sweet dogs, they shed like nobody's business. I mean nobody's. I guarantee you that quaint little shop is absolutely full of dog hair! (But it's still sounds like a nice life.)

  11. This just made my morning. So cute!

  12. well, looks like the light of my life has a new nickname "little torpedo of goodness"!

    commenter joey is right- corgi's shed like mofos, thats why i keep my little girl in a summer cut year round (it's los angeles, not like she'll freeze or anything).

    if you haven't met her yet, stop by my blog and click "m21 staff" in the sidebar, and my posts about my sweet little torpedo of goodness will pop up. she's the best!
