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design star ...and it's crap again.

By 6/23/2008

another poor showing last night, i thought.

here's the thing: when you have 24 hours to design a room, SKIP PAINTING IT, especially when it already has AMAZING old wallpaper in it.
they may be required to paint - i'm not sure - but it seems to me that if you have limited time, go with what's on the walls already. you can make any color work.

2nd - put SOMEthing on the walls. buy some prints! frame them! the designers seem to be forgetting the fact that their work is judged from a video of the space, not in person. obviously, you've got to go big to be seen.

which brings us to 3 - LAY OFF the horrible tiny accessories, like the pillar candles (would you put those out in your own home?), the line of votives, the cheap vases, the awful picture frames. these have nothing but a negative effect on the overall impression of the room. again, go BIG or forget it.

we've been over 4 already - original paintings = NO. and the re purposing they did of the yardsale items = AWFUL. why, pray tell, did no one pick up that huge skull and hang it over the mantel in one of those lovely wallpapered rooms? can you imagine - it would have been wonderful, and taken no time at all.

its settled, i'm trying out if there's a season 4.




  1. ugh! you are right. those rooms are so terrible and BORING! (the wallpaper in that second photo is kind of awesome.) i haven't watched the show yet, but after your re-caps from last week and this week, i'm sure you could do a million times better.

  2. yeah... i think all of these designers have been in the professional side of the industry - as evidenced by their yard sale picks... they have forgotten what super creative means to appease the clients... which is why a hairdresser won the last time!

    although, i did like when the one guy cut up the model legs - turned into a cool shape in that ugly vase...

  3. I think they kept Tracee on Design Star because she's "better television" than D Paul was...

    CLICK HERE for DavidDust's Design Star recap.


  4. Can't wait to pull it up on DVR tonight... although with the pics you just posted, it sounds like I'm going to wish (YET AGAIN) that you were a contestant!

  5. Goss...the after's don't trill me one bit. Glad I never got into this show, but I bet it's like a train wreck...you just can't look away!!


  6. This is why I can't watch these shows. They are horrible. There's no warmth, no texture, nothing. Just boring crap which I would never apply to my own home.

  7. You MUST try out! I would even watch it if you were on it!

  8. i agree. two weeks of poo in a row.

  9. If I see another room painted light blue, I will HURL.

  10. I love the black room...looks very glam in my opinion.

  11. ha! I like the befores much better. Switch out the window treatments, keep the funky wallpaper and make it work. I know that's not what a "professional" designer would do, but I don't think I'd pay one of these professionals ;)
