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not til july 11th...

By 6/09/2008

but in white, and $199 instead of $29344484.99
more here


  1. I think that thing just might confuse me. I have a blackberry, and seriously, can't even figure out how to switch over to my other line. It drives my friends crazy. I am always hanging up on them or leaving them on hold for a really long time.

  2. i'm holding out for one more month, too. i was sorta hoping they'd have a variety of colors by now.

  3. i am so pumped to wing my busted treo against the wall and adopt my new iphone!

  4. I feel like the biggest asshole in the universe for buying the first round of the iphone. This is why I hate apple products...it's impossible to keep up.

    Oh and I also hate how whenever I try to make a phone call in public some chucklehead is always "ohhh miss fancy pants with her iphone!" I make people call it a phone. It's anti-branding.
