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shadow boxes

By 7/29/2008

when i was little, i remember my mom and my aunt having huge shadow boxes full of miniatures.

somewhere between then and now, shadow boxes went out of vogue, but i think they're making a comeback.

i picked up a smallish one at the flea market last weekend, and i'm starting to think about goodies to fill it with. this picture from designsponge's sneak peak of elana iaciofano's home inspires me to get on it.

jordan had another great use for a shadow box - an advent calendar! a few more below... and i included a few in my latest ebay gazing display!


  1. I have an old printer's box and put a few of my favorite rocks from my old rock collection in it. It actually looks really cute!

  2. So sweet! I bet you could find a giant one and use it as a bookcase, too (since you do love 'em!)

  3. LOVE THESE...you've totally inspired me. I want to start one too.

  4. Yes! I did something similar with an old printer's tray...with shells.
