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By 9/10/2008

six feet under was my favorite tv show.
the finale gets me everytime.


  1. what song is that? Who sings it? loved that show too.

  2. its by sia. and its called
    breathe me'

    here's a link to her video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghPcYqn0p4Y

  3. yes...stunning...love the ending watched it over and over.

  4. Best show ever. I was so depressed when it ended.

  5. All I can think when I watch this is -- enjoy each day . . . it goes by so fast.

  6. Incredible, and I didn't even watch the show. I will now.

  7. I was watching that in bed sobbing so loudly that my husband came running upstairs thinking I'd hurt myself.

  8. oh, I can't watch it... Crying at work would be bad.

    This was my favorite show too, I'm thinking that I might be ready to start from the beginning again.

    Thanks for posting this.

  9. Thank you so much for that! Now I have to watch the entire show again.

  10. yes, hands down my favorite show ever! (although mad men is coming in close competition..)

    have you seen allan ball's (creator of six feet) new show True Blood? it started last week. it's about vampires, which is a little out of the ordinary for my taste, but the show looks sort of promising. enough to make me want to watch the next episode at least.

  11. Best. Finale. Sequence. EVER.

    I sobbed through this when it first aired, and then hit "rewind" and sobbed some more. I still cry every time I see it, even on grainy YouTube uploads.

    I love how, in just a few minutes, it totally wrapped up each character's story arc (and, indeed, their life story) and gave us viewers a really complete sense of closure.

  12. Dammit -- you just made me cry again!

  13. Oh my gosh...my favorite show too..hands down! Two moments really get me: Nate fading away out of the rearview mirror and Keith being shot...it was so sudden...but I guess it often is.

    Thanks for the clip.

  14. delurking with an amen sister. thanks for the reminder of this wonderful wonderful show. i love that the characters were so flawed - and we loved them anyway.

    (this has made me cry every time i saw it. no exception today. powerful stuff.)

  15. Oh gosh, I forgot how much I loved that show. Now I've got that throat hurting trying-not-to-cry feeling here at work. The cataract eyes thing is what really did it...all those eyes have seen.

    Now I must compose myself! Are you watching Alan Ball's new show, True Blood? It's really good, and the books the show is based on are a fun read.

  16. i haven't seen it, but i've been hearing great stuff about it lately. is it too late to start you think?

  17. I think there have only been 3 episodes, and it's not too late. If you have HBO, you may be able to watch them On Demand to catch up, anyway.
