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By 9/04/2008

i need to entertain myself tomorrow in lynchburg, virginia.
any suggestions?


  1. One of J Crew's distribution centers is in Lynchburg...there is consequently also an outlet...CHECK IT!

  2. Sorry I don't know but you can ask to my sister in law who lives in Lynchburg ;)

    see you soon !

  3. No suggestions, but thanks for the photo and the smile.

  4. Wow - this is my first visit to your blog and I grew up in Lynchburg - very random! I haven't lived there in a while and so my ability to recommend is kind of diminished - but I can totally support the J Crew suggestion. Meriwether's restuarant is always really yummy. I've heard that there is a good gallery at Randolph College, though I haven't been. And just taking a cruise on the Blue Ridge Parkway and even making it up to the Peaks of Otter Lodge is a classic Lynchburg outing. Hope it's a fun trip. (oh yeah - I heard that downtown is getting revitalized and much cooler, though I don't know the specific spots, I can say it's pretty cute.)

  5. anon. I bet you know the tyrees or the snead. I'm here for a wedding

  6. Don't have any suggestions but what a sweet photo!!
