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i want it. badly

By 11/07/2008


  1. there is a family in south africa that has a hippo as a pet... she even cuddles every night with their bull terriers. it's on youtube... and it's adorable. (especially the part when she comes into the kitchen for some lettuce... you'll love it.)

  2. i've seen that! i ALSO want that hippo!

  3. jamie, i KNEW when i read the article about him this morning you would be the first to care. your predictable love for tiny-typically-large things is simply stunning.

    on a personal note, i could've never imagined how adorable the ear wiggle would be. in fact, if i could wear glasses that only showed my eyes that tiny scene, i'd be a happy chompy forevs.

  4. Saw the baby hippo this morning on the news and I about fell over. It ranks right up there with baby puppies playing!

  5. i have never seen anything cuter in my life. thank for sharing - this totally made my week!
