dear jamie. you've officially cemented the deal. best friends. soooo, i saw this air on cbs sunday morning the other week and cried really hard. best journalism ever, especially when he says "he couldn't even move his legs. or wag his tiny dog tail." i cried again watching it just now. thank you. best ever. alexis.
Written by Jamie Meares, Founder + Creative Director of retailer Furbish Studio.
I Suwannee is a daily chronicle of her wants and whims, her interior design and styling work, her goings and doings, and a place to share her never-ending discoveries and inspirations.
I Suwannee is a southern saying used to express bewilderment, discovery, and fascination.
dear jamie. you've officially cemented the deal. best friends. soooo, i saw this air on cbs sunday morning the other week and cried really hard. best journalism ever, especially when he says "he couldn't even move his legs. or wag his tiny dog tail." i cried again watching it just now. thank you. best ever.
I agree. I feel like I could lift the world...