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there, does that make it all better?

By 3/12/2009

i thought it would.

rowdy playing with his schnauzer.


  1. God, I love a good schnauzer. They were so popular in the 70s when I was growing up; seeing them now makes me so nostalgic and happy.

    Also? Dogs with beards RULE.

  2. My dad's dog is named Rowdy. I think your dog is cuter than his dog.

    I love your rug and the way Mr. Man looks on it. He's a cutie.

  3. How cute! This makes me want a dog!

  4. You poked at the wasp nest and got stung. There was no pleasure in seeing it, not for me.

    I know that I would take your spirit and original intention over the maddeningly clueless attitude of the recent piece in the NYT of "oh dear, people are upset about the rich spending money so we're not going to spend any right now." Guh.

    Pet that adorable dog and hang in there. If nothing else, your post served the purpose of some sobering exposure to just how some very real people are being deeply affected by the fallout. That, I believe, is what the so called media could do. Not in a fearfearfear and curl up way but to underline how important it is to drill down on the fundamentals of what is important to us and what we can rightfully expect from our government.

    It's a sad, sad state of journalism when The Daily Show does the job of asking real questions and getting some honest answers from the money monkeys but CNN and Time makes its bones by whipping us into retreat and turning on each other.

  5. My little girl Schnauzer, Mattie, plays with a stuffed Schnauz, too. Although, she prefers "Ellie" a floppy elephant that she's had since the day I brought her home and she's nearly seven.

    Erin from Raleigh


    schnauzer playdate!

    and he is a standard.

  7. Yeah girl!
    I'm looking for you on facebook...

  8. Our schnauzer, MacKenzie, had a stuffed "human". He carried it around in his mouth and made hideous noises like in Blue Velvet. He's gone to doggie heaven but a schnauzer always makes me smile. Enjoy Rowdy. He looks anything but!

  9. it's from ikea! they still have it...
