I got it in white after several years of lust and let me tell you - problematic. If you put it on a low table it's so wide that it takes up too much space and just looks like a weird huge doughnut, and if you put it on a high table you see the 4 bulbs shining directly down. My personal opinion is to skip it. xo
Written by Jamie Meares, Founder + Creative Director of retailer Furbish Studio.
I Suwannee is a daily chronicle of her wants and whims, her interior design and styling work, her goings and doings, and a place to share her never-ending discoveries and inspirations.
I Suwannee is a southern saying used to express bewilderment, discovery, and fascination.
I got it in white after several years of lust and let me tell you - problematic. If you put it on a low table it's so wide that it takes up too much space and just looks like a weird huge doughnut, and if you put it on a high table you see the 4 bulbs shining directly down. My personal opinion is to skip it. xo