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chair - UPDATED!**

By 5/13/2009

so, i just bought this for an unheardly low price. or rather, my mom got it for my birthday. and it's in PERFECT shape.

and what would you say if i found two more and i was willing to part with them? anyone interested?

let's take it up a notch, and see how this sits with you:


and let's reference some greatest hits:

spotted in ruth caldwell's amazing house

from pieces

visual vamp has a whole rundown for us

and thanks to katie, this album cover


  1. le sigh.

    I had one exactly like it (also bought for my by my mother), which unfortunately had to stay behind when we moved from a house to apartment.

  2. are you gonna kick it up another notch with some paint? or a fancy cushion? good golly, can't believe how much the vintage one is going for. sheesh.

  3. argh! take 2 and a much less effective Bam!


  4. I had this chair in my basement Greg Brady type bedroom as a teenager! My theme at the time was 70s hut on a tropical island. I used dark browns and rust colors, fake tropical plants, lotsa wicker, seashells and glass. I had a waterbed, too! Ha ha!

    I can't look at that chair and not think of listening to the clock radio while writing in my journal about how bored I was with every little thing.

  5. Love it! Just sent the link to Ruth...

  6. If a plain rattan throne chair isn't enough snazz for you, you can always supplement with a halo of feather dusters, a smattering of peacock feathers, a giant fur and Timberlands. Just sayin'.


  7. Just stumbled upon this.
    Thanks for the mention!
    xo xo
