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brain explosion

By 6/09/2009

were you aware that so many colors of duct tape existed?

i, for one, was not.


  1. a few years ago i was gifted a vintage teal vinyl mid-century sofa named "big teal" that came (appropriately) with a roll of perfectly matching teal duct tape... I really had not given it much thought of how the teal duct tape came to be- until now.. the colors are dazzling!

  2. Wow - I am going to have to tell my husband - duct tape is keeping rain out of his car right now - so much classier if it matched!!!

  3. Holy smokes...a rainbow!
    I have been lurking around your blog because there is so much to be inspired by! ... I love the bookcases that you post since I am currently trying to get my books in order!
    The mysteries of duct tape... Thank you for another eye opener!

  4. that maroon at the top-right looks divine... although i have no idea why one would require colored duct tape. maybe i am failing to see the opportunities...

  5. Awesome! I just bought some really fun colors of electrical tape (it comes off with no residue!) - but duct tape... this is awesome!

  6. I kinda sorta absolutely love your site. I figured since I've been lurking for a couple months I should send a little comment love.

    Top Five Things That Make Your Site Worth Stalking to Random Strangers
    1)Nice and simple posts
    2)Beautiful, original things
    4)Random pics of the pup that make me laugh
    5)You write like I talk in my head.

  7. Ah, so many colors--and yet so few GOOD colors. What a shame. It could have been something so beautiful.

  8. At my high school all of the engineering kids would make clothes and accessories out of the colorful duct tape. I can't imagine it being very breathable.

  9. nope had no clue.
    pretty awesome.

  10. Hate to be the irritating kid in class that tries to top everyone but . . . .LL Bean offers Camouflage and PLAID duct tape! Tartan is my favorite color, I tell ya! http://www.llbean.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?page=maine-guide-duct-tape-plaid&categoryId=48772&storeId=1&catalogId=1&langId=-1
    AND I have used CLEAR duct tape for emergency pool repairs.

  11. My friend has a lovely fushia duck tape purse...I'm sure the possibilities are endless!
