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here's my succulent

By 8/08/2007


  1. Love it! I have a succulent going on 5 months now. A record for me.

  2. dawnmarie,
    i've wanted to email you for a while now, but i'm not quite sure how to reply to your comments, b/c my email has it coming from "noreply.blogger".

    anyways, tell me about your succulent -- how often do you water it? is it happier in sun or shade?

    and where do you live?

  3. jamie, your plant is called a lambs ear. one of my grandma's favorites -- they actually can be broken apart and repotted, they spread, like bulbs. you just have to keep it alive at first. they like sun, and need a well-drained soil, so make sure your pot has holes in the bottom, then gravel, then dirt. when you water them, put the water spout directly on the dirt (don't get the leaves wet). the leaves rot if they get wet, but it doesn't mean it's dying if that happens. just tear off the rotting leaves if they appear.

    you're welcome. i accept interior design advice this weekend as payment!
