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the state of my guestroom/office is such

By 5/28/2009

cluttered with crap. i got my new printer and whilst installing it, covered the bed in crap.

i tell you what, if it weren't for guests, i would do away with a guest bed. it has this way of taking up the whole room and making the office less effective.


  1. I like the color of the walls. Thanks for helping me out yesterday (for some reason the larger images I post are still showing up 408x337 just like before, even if you've increased the column size)

  2. ps. I had to uploaded to my old photobucket account in order to get the size I wanted.

  3. i have just about decided to give up the guest bed. in a 1200 sq ft 2 bedroom bungalow- a HUGE corner of one room is being dominated by a queen size bed for once a month guests? Its kinda B.S.! I have decided that I am under no obligation to provide them with feather beds and down comforters. It might be air mattress city for those who stay at my house from here on out....

  4. i live in a teensy 2 bedroom with a man and a dog and finally said 'screw it with the guest bed'. it just collected crap and took up way to much space. i bought a nice aero bed that works just fine.

  5. I say you sell the bed on Craigslist and buy a Murphy bed, because now they have so many that when in the "up" position (aka put away), reveal great secondary desk spaces, cabinets and other neat things.

    Then you keep the bed aspect, but gain desk top space (which I can tell is sorely needed, what with all your book-on-bed piles), and you'll have more room to move about the room!

  6. heck to the yeah! our guest bedroom/office is currently being revamped and I've 1/2 a mind to throw everything out but the desk! ack! crap! is everywhere!

  7. Out with the guestroom; in with the Aero bed.

  8. I didn't think they even made Murphy beds anymore...I could get my yoga space back!

  9. I must confess, my guestroom bed acts as an additional table top too, for my ever growing office (yes, a bit of organizing would do me some good)!
    Found you through Erika at Urban Grace.
    Look forward to reading more
