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hair - take two

By 7/31/2008

we've considered this hair cut for me. now let's look at this one:

thoughts? managability?


  1. does it come with an eating disorder?

  2. i love the bob look.

  3. Do it! I've had long hair my entire life and two days ago I got the Gwyneth-ish cut from your older post (a wee bit shorter). I love it. It's easier to style than I thought it would be - my hair is kinda "difficult" and wavy (but not in a good way) at the ends - you just need a flat iron. I have a Revlon one that works just fine, none of that $200 BS for me.

  4. I like them both, but I'm still voting for number 1. If it helps, I have number 2 and I am incredibly uncool and suburban mom-esque. In other words, go with number 1.

  5. love it and now all you need is a new eye pencil and voila! bangs or botox baby is what I always say!

  6. I love it, but you need to commit to the blowdryer. If you are ready for a long-term commitment with bd, go for it.

  7. I recently got this cut, and it works great with fine, straight hair! Best to have a good flatiron on hand to smooth it down a la Nicole, but it also looks good with some waves from a large-barrel curling iron. The sideswept bangs are short enough to look cool, long enough to deal with.

    The one downside: you can forget pulling all your hair back out of your face unless you have about 64372 bobby pins.

  8. Definitely prefer this look. Side-swept bangs are Very Sexy. And it's a cut that not everyone has, so you'll stand out. Who wants to look like every other gal on the planet?

    Go get 'em, Hot Stuff.

    with love from Pittsburgh...

  9. hey, that's my haircut! no really, check out my little profile photo (don't know why it's so small...)

  10. I cut my hair like that a few months ago. While I got lots of compliments on it, it took me 2.5 seconds to hate it. No pretty, sleek ponytail on days that I just didn't have time to mess with my hair. No letting it fall into it's natural wavy state when I didn't feel like blow drying and straightening. Just be prepared to *gasp* actually have to do something with your hair EVERY single day.

  11. I had this cut and the bangs are such a pain. I am now in the process of growing them out. I say the first look. I think it would be less work.

  12. Both adorable, though I'd say Gwynnie's might be more manageable. I guess it's a question of bang or no bang?

  13. I got this haircut too and then that's why I started to dislike it--because so did everyone else! But that's just me. It's still super cute. Totally do miss the ponytail though.

  14. i have this hair cut and I love it, super easy to manage. I do miss my ponytail everyonce in while but now i have a great headband collection!
