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i have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany (or paper backs and cat litter)

By 2/06/2009

MSP, Feb 6, 2009
yo yo yo.

i'm overwhelmed by everyone's kind words on the NYT article. i got to live out a secret dream - having a photoshoot at my house where i could wear a crazy dress and smirk sideways at the camera. that morning, brian got up early and came home with bagels, coffee and a smoothie and said 'it's your big day - you need ALL of this".

and thanks decorno. you'll be glad to know we're in boulder visiting john and alexis and it's 60 degrees. there are prarie dogs on the side of the road, poking their heads up like fat squirrels, but better. i love it here. i rented a helmet today and tomorrow we're headed to vail.

enjoy your weekend and let's regroup on monday, yes?


  1. i just read the article. that is so great! congratulations! (too bad domino had to go though)

  2. I recently discovered your blog and then I was reading the paper yesterday and there you were. Very cool. Congratulations.

  3. congrats on the NYT! well deserved! have fun!!

  4. Congrats on the article!! I just told my husband that I bought a print from a girl that was in the NYTimes!! (I only get the Sunday addition) You should be very proud of yourself :)

  5. your blog is fab, and your writing cracks me up. for what it's worth, I say live large and go for the yellow hello kitty phone cover... life is too short to not indulge in over the top girly accents that make you smile. congrats on the article.

  6. Congratulations on a NYT shout out and thank you for being our spokesperson for the Domino debacle. I am still so bummed over the news.

  7. Congrats, Jamie!! Absolutely fab!!

  8. i sware, you never cease to amaze me.
    well deserved. woo hoo.

  9. that's awesome -how did you get in the ny times?

  10. heyyyy, you're in my homeland! enjoy!

  11. So glad to hear you love Anchorman too. :)
