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behind the scenes

By 4/22/2016

Anna found a way to satisfy her michelada craving back home, she had a staycation at the umstead, and  found a home for her new otomi piece from oaxaca
lindsey made a friend while gardening, celebrated sunday with a pretty brunch and picked up some new friends at the farmer's market
i tried some new fig leaf pillows on the bed, tried (but clearly failed) to keep major entertained, and shopped for some pretty pink trims
jessica set up a bloody mary bar, hung her new otomi textile behind the bed, and picked up a polished poodle from the groomer


  1. Hi there, Would you please consider doing one of your "What makes this room great" posts about Will and Kate's apartment in Kensington Palace? I love your work, and thought about you immediately when I saw the photos. Thanks!
