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it's almost time

By 5/10/2016

we are so close young people.  in a magical world, where i sometimes can exist, we might be open next week.  ever so softly.  with a big party the following week to send you off to your memorial day weekend with visions of pretty headboards and pink walls to get you through. this is not for sure, but it's hopeful, so i'm putting it out there into the world.

the new store is going to be really attractive.  like, old school attractive.  i heard all the feedback and we're making it happen.  get ready for the newest reincarnation of my brain.

we also need some help with the pretty.  we're adding to the team, so if you, or someone you know might be a good fit, please be in touch!


  1. first of all you called me young people and i love you.
    secondly, if i lived within driving distance, i would practically pay you to have that job.
    best of luck with all this and as always, i love through you girls - the younguns with good taste.

  2. So happy for you! Wish you can find someone for the new store!
