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huge warehouse sale this weekend

By 1/16/2017

after a record-breaking holiday season online, we've made the tough decision to narrow our focus to e-commerce only.  i've thought long and hard about the kind of company i want to have, the lifestyle i want to lead, and what my every day ideally looks like, and our online business is perfectly poised to continue to grow at comfortable pace that fits into my vision of the future.  

we're going to close the showroom for now on dawson street to shift soley to e-commerce. that being said, we'll still be shipping and receiving out of the warehouse (raleigh peeps, you can still pick up your orders!), and we'll be able to host a party or two (priorities!), but this week will be the last one we're open to the public regular hours.

the good news for local folks is we're having our biggest winter flea yet - this saturday we'll have hundreds of items priced to go, plus furniture floor samples, one-of-a-kind textiles, pillows, rugs, artwork and store fixtures.

and it will be a personal yard sale of sorts.  i'm going to let go of a lot of the treasures from my house. i've been living without most of them for 2 years now, so it seems like as good a time as any to make a fresh start and pass along some of my favorite finds to new homes.  bittersweet, sure, but necessarily nonetheless for me to rebuild.  there will always be more pretty things.  as long as i can count on that, i can stay in the moment, and very grateful for this opportunity to begin again.

yaddayadda bleh.  anyway.  our huge sale is this saturday.  we open to the public at 11, and if you're familiar with furbish sales, things can get a little crazy when folks start to tailgate in the parking lot hours before we open (bojangles is just up the street =).  if you want to beat the line, and have exclusive access for an hour before the crowd, you can purchase a preview ticket here.  you'll be able to shop first and snag some goodness before the insanity starts!


  1. Best of luck with the sale and the new direction for Furbish, Jamie! Always wishing I lived close enough to come to one of Furbish's events. I'm sure it will be a hit!

  2. I am so distressed that the sale is at the same time of the Women's March. Priorities!
